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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EST

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new ground operation in gaza after it launches a barrage of deadly rocket attacks and takes hours to class military chief the un security council is now holding an urgent closed door meeting a live update from our correspondent. was trying to draw to europe to a standstill in the continent for its to return to normality up to millions and works out of their jobs two person has to gain so stacy and only to be matched with a headache hundreds of police response. china's communist party lets a new leader to steer the country's powerhouse economy as part of a once in a decade political.
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news for russia under around the world this is our she was me you know thanks for joining us israel's carried out a wave of deadly rocket attacks on gaza and warns that a ground operation is also on the table that taksin response to rocket fire from gaza killed at least ten palestinians including the military leader of hamas. is following developments in tell of it. the situation down on the south in the south of israel and also in gaza continues to escalate twenty sites specifically mentioned by israeli defense sources they say they want to destroy terrorist infrastructure down there but they've gone on these with these bombings starting with the killing of beery the head of hamas his military wing
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a video earlier showed a missile hit his car which exploded and that was then followed by that escalation of bombing the israeli navy is also joined in shelling northwestern garza reportedly hitting its targets how mass for its part as well has been firing rockets back into israel some of those shot down by israeli anti missile defenses that all goes back a few weeks with his rocket attacks increasing in their intensity hundreds of rockets fired over the past couple of weeks and also an airstrike about the weekend by israel which killed four including three children and the fear at the moment that israeli ground troops may go in and invade gaza as they did in the new year of two thousand and eight to nine with operation cast lead back then this is called
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operation pillar of defense now a different name but very much the same pattern seems to repeating itself israel has called reservists and this and they have said that they are prepared to send in ground troops if they deem it necessary there's also been a wider diplomatic response as well for the palestinian president mahmoud abbas he has called for an emergency meeting of the arab league and he's also called for a stop to israeli aggression and lastly by egypt. as well with its new government the first sort of test for them on this on the israeli palestinian question and they have come out and said they're going to withdraw their ambassador to israel over this they're outraged over it and they want israel to stop this offensive immediately there is further speculation that they may open the rough for a crossing which would potentially allow many civilians possibly fighters
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who want to escape to leave gaza but could potentially also lead to. a lot of fighters of the muslim brotherhood fighters or other islamic militant group fighters to go into gaza which could provide reinforcements for hamas if it wanted to stand toe to toe against israel and could further exacerbate what is already a very unnerving very tense and very violent situation down there. the u.n. security council has held an urgent closed door meeting after palestinians called for an end to israel's offensive and let's now get more from he's getting educated he joins us live from washington and other guy and so there's been a condemnation of israel also but also words of support there so what's the overall picture of the international reaction to the attacks. well you know the u.s. response to the shelling of gaza was easy to predict and it says we stand by our
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partners in their fight to defend themselves against terrorism end of quote the us representative to the u.n. susan rice has released a statement saying that it was expressing regret to the death and injury of innocent civilians innocent israeli and palestinian civilians caused by the violence there but made it clear that washington is clearly blaming the palestinians for the israelis shelling of gaza palestinians asked the u.n. security council to stop israel and quote what they call quote war crimes perpetrated by israel against the palestinian people israel is of course saying that the air strikes are justified response to the rocket fire from gaza into a sow's and it's worth noting that this wednesday while israel was storming gaza from air president obama was holding a news conference the president was seen no question about that and you know the gaza there was almost nothing on t.v.
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about it that we were watching very closely these really defense minister who has indicated that this could be just the beginning it's a broad head you led the last story of the ground attack on gaza four years ago the . operation last. in which more than one thousand and one hundred palestinians and twelve israelis were killed this wednesday offensive is almost certain to set up a new round of heavy fighting with gaza militants or who are said to have a significant arsenal of war that misawa now the region may very well find itself in a devastating circle of violence we saw that happen in the past time and time again but essentially nothing has been done to address some of the root causes of this middle eastern tragedy it is a very complex situation and the u.s. has basically told israel whatever you do to the policy. gaza we're not going to polls and the usual line is that is the one that we heard this wednesday we stand
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by our way freely partners in their right to defend themselves against terrorism but does the word terrorism in this context justify all actions any action by israel because it very much seems like it and that is would be people going to say but it's also interesting how often chooses which acts of terror to condemn this terrorism and which ones not to condemn for example suicide bombings which happened in syria on the regular basis the u.s. does not hurry to condemn that as acts of terror so the word terrorism may have may at times have different interpretations here in washington very often it means an act of terror may not be condemned as such if it's committed against someone designated by the u.s. . and then she can reporting now live from washington and many thanks indeed.
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spoke to israeli defense force a spokesperson of tend. to try and. their response to hamas rocket finals justified. i think that seven hundred rockets a year launched from gaza into israel do not demand justification we have one million israelis which are under immediate danger and they have between fifteen and fifty seconds this more than justifies this operation we took this operation in order to defend the people of israel and can you confirm that you continue this operation with ground invasion. ground invasion is an option we currently have an operational assessment following the assessment will decide how to proceed. all the options are currently on the table what do you have to achieve by an invasion is it's going to provoke a massive and just turned into a just a cycle of violence and death well since hamas encouraged the firing of the rockets
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into israel don't you think it's a bit late for that i mean we are here. to fulfill our defense operation in order to protect the three million israelis that are almost under this rocket fire we currently are continuing the operation a few hours ago we targeted underground tunnels and launching pads in these launching pads there were rockets of different types some came from iran i'm referring to the farther five these are rockets with a very long range that can merely reach the city of tel aviv we cannot allow this situation to continue our country deserves and has the right to defend its people statistically many would say that the rocket attacks on israel have had not as much an effect as what's happening with the retaliate three attacks from israel against guns are we getting reports of your civilians dying i spoke to an eyewitness earlier who were saying that even children were caught up in this what do you say about this i believe that there are casualties on both sides in the past decades
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now we don't have any intention to target people that are not involved directly in terror but hamas he's the terror going to zation that shows. deliberately to locate its warehouses of rockets its facilities of terror its outposts right in the middle of the population of the gazans shows hamas hamas terror terror is rocket fire we will not comply with this kind of situation. and coming up later in the program the greek political party the box violence but claims to have a solution to the country's crisis the nazi movement in greece gains popular support and more and more people are only getting bored with their message. while still present commanders of the u.s. campaign in afghanistan are reeling from their involvement in
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a sex scandal here the much more serious crimes to investigate. the european union is reeling from the twenty four hour mega strike that saw millions of workers across the debt ridden block take to the streets the day of action against austerity saw massive shutdowns travel chaos and to have a hundred police response to the protests some of the most disturbing things occurred in spain's two main cities where frustration with a deepening recession spilled into violence in madrid and barcelona police fired rubber bullets and a clash with demonstrate it was over one hundred people were arrested and at least seventy four injured throughout the country that was at the forefront of the strike . reports now from the spanish capital. playing. greece. italy. and portugal. debt ridden countries joining together with many others for the continent's first
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mega strike from the beginning it was clear that emotions were running high in many places madrid saw violence early on and asked. this. broke the anger of those protesting. for various things between the protesters and the riot police is packed right almost three hundred tonight we're going to get more symbolic candy for the he stood by the people say there are right now all across there are three legged government between the people themselves this is why they are. where the bullets are violent confrontations with the authorities are becoming an all too familiar sights the constant leaders stand the disparity is a necessary evil to cut the sky high deficit it's own november the fourteenth the people of europe seem to have formed a county union to fight back against the prevailing title sterrett city ahead of next week's budget meetings brussels would have been watching closely as the scenes
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of police and protesters battling one another played out across the nobel peace prize winning. imagery of the clean up operation is already under way only so easy the year is going to clean up the mess it finds itself in. r.t. . and all in all the wave of anger deepening spending cuts and soaring unemployment swept through more than twenty european countries in portugal where the government plans to further intensify as to next year protesters threw rocks and bottles at riot police guarding the parliament in the capital is then italy's soldier once ration standing violent as well as tens of thousands of students and workers clashed with police countries like france and belgium have been less affected by the financial crisis also saw huge marches and can close a sociologist at. a university in barcelona took part in one state strike and explained what's driving people to demonstrate. a protest isn't about a solution
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a protest is normally about something you don't want so in this case what they're protesting is e.u. was. cuts in social spending and cards. social rights and the expansion of social misery people can make the argument that austerity is a solution to the current problems being faced by your european citizenry and in particular by the southern european citizenry the problem is what does that austerity mean is that neoliberal e.u. austerity where you cut basically all of those all of the social protection that keeps people from descending down to a sort of downward spiral of social misery and with all of that escalating conflict or do you leave social protection in place and cut in places where there really is overspending such as a big bank bailouts and and areas like these. into europe is growing frustration with the stairs here as well as it cannot economists
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focus on our website and also that the best pictures and videos from the mega strike had to ask him to explore. meanwhile away will resend. greece has contributed to the popularity of a radical political party the neo nazi golden dawn says it knows how to turn things around and more and more people are listening based on a story. hunger joblessness and the feeling europe is ripping the country apart greeks are seeking answers today a crisis in increasingly extreme use the main form but this is the rise of the greek left but also a warring development in the. months has been the rise of the neo fascists. to be more precise than nazis or not the numbers don't lie at the last
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election in june golden dawn entered parliament with seven percent of the vote current opinion polls suggest an election today would see them take around thirteen percent they can offer some practical solutions to greek people and because they portray themselves as their one who is a status quo quality responsible for the christ but it's not just politicians they are accused of trying to punish anti immigrant grandstanding is a key part of the grease for the greeks manifesto which is seen them linked to violent attacks on foreigners clashes between their members and other politicians on discussion shows and their leader denying the holocaust on television well with serious allegations of violence leveled against them and certainly being no strangers when it comes to making a scene what do golden dawn's elected officials think that their party's policies
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can do for the greek people this is. a leading member of golden dawn who you may recognize as the politician we just saw a turkish fellow guest on a panel show. in power will revise the constitution whoever embezzled money will go to jail and they are other assets will be confiscated who will declare a greek economic zone to tap the resources and energy reserves which today are claimed by foreign interests will bring security target crime and regrease of illegal immigrants but those who see written extensively. the realities of the extreme right are adamant that golden dawn won't power through chaos after. the polls show that they're winning ground despite everybody being aware of the violence they use and the rights they cause they want the other parties to fight among themselves so they can pick up voters out of the turmoil they want civil war not true. propaganda propaganda this is black propaganda with the prospect of
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yet another election in greece in the near future golden dawn senses a chance to sway more voters its way despite the shadow. continuing to hang over them. i t. well the election over in the u. us not all americans are in a patriotic summer of course now websites more and more people in states around the country want to secede accumulating thousands of electronic signatures demanding they. don't song live has already had a billionaire and now here's a comic book hero. becomes the subject of a biographical cartoon released in the us telling me life story of the self-made or russian tycoon. china's vice president is in pain has taken over as the communist party leader and will become the next president and launch that announcement came as the chinese government undergoes its once in
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a decade political transformation with a central committee meeting to elect new leaders henry morton is in beijing for us . well huge events happening at the moment here in china the world's most populous nation and the world's second largest economy a once in a decade leadership change over that process started over the last week with the communist party of china's congress the eighteenth party congress that closed on wednesday with president hu jintao stepping down as general secretary of the party china has been a real economic success story we've seen it in membership to the world trade organization it's now a very sort of prominent member of that particular organization we've seen its g.d.p. quadruple in the last ten years and is now the second largest economy in the world set to become the world's largest to overtake the u.s. by twenty twenty. makes up ten to twenty percent of overall global economic output
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it's responsible for thirty to forty percent of overall global economic growth. question on everyone's lips now is how the new leadership will affect china's relations with its top political and economic rival the you ask and donald lewis a research fellow at stanford law school sounds the next decade will see at least what shift in economic. what is currently occurring between the united states and china and indeed the european union is a process of balancing in which the chinese economy is readjusted away from its very strong export orientation over the last two decades or so towards one that is more focused on growing domestic consumption and indeed moving somewhat away from manufacturing towards more service sector emphasis so. indeed what we see here ultimately really is
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to continue to rise of china but very much part of an and interdependent global economy with three pillars really. the u.s. europe and the stage including both china and japan. meanwhile the country's rising might his seen others take steps to counter it but you are for the world to play for space regional australia and territory that annual talks between the two nations to move announced as part of america's strategic shift towards asia will allow the tracking of chinese rocket and missile tests washington is growing actions over beijing's assertive stance in the south china sea and territorial tensions with. the rebels tell you they've taken control of it. or use it for a reason north of the border with turkey at least eighteen government troops are
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three opposition fighters died in the bottle near the town of rust or the rebels seized on friday you care for shoals a-g. to discuss the growing violence including the option of a no fly zone this comes as france last western power to officially recognize the opposition going into syria. i series of bomb a type of sweat through out a rug claiming the lives of at least twenty six people and injuring more than one hundred the deadliest blasts occurred in kirkuk where three car bombs killed nine and injured dozens another car bomb targeting a number called boy blew up in baghdad while a police station and an army patrol were attacked in law school the state of deadly assaults the spate of deadly assault i should say happened in iraq as a rock prepares to celebrate the islamic new year. the you are skum pain in afghanistan has suffered a military grade blow with at least two generals and veterans of the intervention falling from grace after the resignation of former commander and cia chief over
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there where the current are going campaign commando is now under investigation over e-mails with a woman linked above a man. reports. in the papers here in afghanistan for transit star on battlefields a failed cia by an affair the situation the reaction on the ground has been one of outrage people are really quite confused by this this whole scandal one of the comments that i heard from a person who wish to be anonymous in the foreign ministry is office was they founded really indicative of how well the afghan war effort is going in terms of u.s. policy if the top general in charge of it had time to send twenty to thirty thousand pages worth of inappropriate e-mails people here have also expressed some confusion as to why these kinds of scandals would force these top men to resign and not for example the scandals that have really resonated among the people here on the ground for example the tragic massacre by a u.s. soldier of sixteen civilians here in afghanistan the burnings of the koran by
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officials here as well as regular policies like for example night raids which are so controversial here that often result in the deaths of civilians so people are quite confused by this scandal they're not quite sure what implications will have on the u.s. war effort here in afghanistan and of course it's coming on the heels of a very important talks between the u.s. and afghanistan the two countries have been in negotiations over what the u.s. will do with the remainder of its sixty eight thousand troops that are here that are due to withdraw by the twenty fourteen deadline some analysts i've spoken to on the ground here in kabul think that this embarrassing scandal will really be sort of a pardoning chip for some factions in afghanistan to be able to effectively get more of what they want to say well look you know you guys here in the u.s. military top brass don't necessarily have the credibility to pull off certain policy options and that's really been the concern as one of the fall outs of the scandal but of course if we look at the big picture in terms of u.s. policy in afghanistan it really has been crisis after crisis it's not just these resignations betray us and the implication of general allen we've seen in the u.s.
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spend nearly six hundred billion dollars and it's eleven year effort in afghanistan the insurgency the taliban insurgency has. remained valid by that we've also see in the u.s. actively shifting towards other policies for example trying to train afghan soldiers to to take over after twenty fourteen and that too has been marred by scandal with nearly fifty four americans being killed in the so-called green on blue attacks showing that the u.s. influence is really waning here in this country another concern is of course the implication on the morale of the troops here the american troops who are not necessarily welcomed in this country they're not this is a scandal is not going to help them continue to operate on the ground and there's also the concern that the u.s. is really shifting from person based policy to a robotic policy what i'm referring to is the drone strikes has seen three hundred and thirty three drone strikes in the past year alone that's more than pakistan
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somalia and yemen combined. homes. investigate when it comes to u.s. trials and sex scandals. petraeus you know led the surge in iraq and you know was the brainchild of the surge in afghanistan these are two policies which required retired arming and training radical islamic fighters the afghan local police which the tree is described as the linchpin of the afghan strategy these are a group of people that have been accused of murder rape they were made last year they were accused of kidnapping a boy in hammering nails into the bottom of his feet thirty years of torture and theft and the same type of thing that happened in iraq when you know the train organized a shiite sunni civil war that ended in hundreds of thousands of lives and no
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reaction to all of that bloodshed and he was described as a war hero he was trained in a positive light all it takes to be portrayed in a negative light in the american mind is a sex scandal if the cia director's emails private e-mails aren't safe from you know government spying and then what does that say about our e-mails the government spying that has been going on in electronic communications has surged in recent years and under the obama administration. now she is an international business guru and to mother eight children find out how the business mama manages it all in our special report white house special.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada after. giant corporations rule the day. resistance is not of politics but a culture. is couldn't speak against. itself on its own. cultures of resistance on marching.
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